Wolf Mountain overlook, October 2015. |
After that I got my yoga teacher certification, spent the year substitute teaching, and wondering what next? I went for my Masters in Education and started a technology-focused Learning Designs & Leadership Program, which looked like it would take me a little under two years to finish.
Wolf Mountain overlook, October 2015. |
Maple Sugaring, March 2016. |
Indianhead Skiing, February 2016 |
Destin Florida, May 2016. |
We journaled a couple times each week, and did a lot of read alouds, picture books, and read-to-self's. We watched movies, baked, made videos, went on trips and hikes, played math games outdoors, thinking games indoors, started up a maple sugaring "operation", went skiing and took a lot of walks. We had rough days, although the details of those are murky now. I was plenty nervous that when they went back to public school the next year, the teachers would criticize me when it became apparent we didn't follow set curricula and the kids didn't know certain "grade-level" things. I wanted to make excuses and defend my performance based on their shortcomings. Yuck, those thoughts didn't feel good but they were there. Then Cal would remind me of some of the reasons why we homeschooled -- one being that we didn't have to follow a formal curricula, and that the individualization we were able to bring was well worth any missed grade-level content.
The kids transitioned wonderfully back to school. They miss homeschooling. I really miss it; and despite the popular wisdom dismissing the notion of regrets... I still say I regret not having at least one more year as a homeschooling family. It was a special year, one we'll never forget:)
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